
Games and Toys

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Story: God's Perfect Gift

Christmas was when God sent Jesus into the world. He was God's perfect gift to us so he could conquer death for us so that we can live forever. Because of Jesus we will never grow old or die in the new world that God has planned for us. All we have to do is believe. Jesus is our Joy and Hope of an Eternal Destiny!
"Illumination" Giclee Print

Melody Koert
24 x 20 inches
Giclee Print

The Christmas Story: The Immaculate Conception

One night a long time ago, Mary was staring out her window daydreaming of her life with Joseph, her future husband.

All of a sudden, a shining light startled her. An angel of God appeared and spoke to Mary, "I am the angel Gabriel sent by God to tell you that God loves you very much and is very happy with you. He has chosen you to be a mother of boy Jesus. Jesus will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest."

Mary said, " I will be the handmaiden of the Lord, I will yield to His Will; let it be."

And then the angel Gabriel disappeared.

Mary suddenly felt great peace and the Holy Ghost came to visit her.

Later,sometime around December 25, the powers of the Highest overshadowed her and she became pregnant.

Nine months later, in September, Jesus was born in israel in a little town called Bethlehem

Christmas is the celebration of when Jesus Christ the son of God enter the World. He was God gift to the world. Jesus Christ is the savior of all people. Because he was the Son of God he could live a perfect life as a human being without sinning. (sin is when you do something wrong like lying, stealing, wanting what your friend has etc. Because of sin we get sick and grow old and eventually die.)

But Jesus turned that all around by living a perfect life and dying on the cross, and rising from the dead, for the sins of the world. All we have to do now is believe on him and we to will be able to live again when we die just like Jesus did when he died. Until then we just have to believe and God sends his holy spirit to live in us making us better people until we are resurrected in to our new perfect bodies that Jesus has prepared for us.

Jesus Christ is our Christmas miracle

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